Are you ready to die for your faith?

Yesterday in the mail my monthly mag from VOM arrived detailing the Happenings? Events? Life? of Christians in Perscuted countries around the world. This months feature was on Laos and includes some absolutely beautiful and heart wrenching stories that bring one into the true reality of Gods grace.

However before we comfort ourselves in the fact that we are not the ones in the persecuted countires and click over to some other well meaning form of escapism can I encourage you to watch this video its a life changer, Its hard hitting and I make absolutely no apologies for it. The reality is that while dieing for ones faith as a Christian isn't a day to day reality in western countries. Regardless of where one is or who one is in Christ , one should have faith in what and who one believes and be able to stand up for it if the time comes.

God give me strength if I am ever in a situation like this

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