Me Karakia taatou

This week I am busy organising Sunday nights service,

Which at last weeks sunday night orginisational team meeting, I suggested should be prayer stations. Good idea sherlock except I have little experience of prayer stations and have speant the last week furiously trying to pull together something.

However the Lord has blessed me with many many wise friends and his Holy Spirit so this weeks sunday night service theme is going to be on the Lord's Prayer (an idea I got from Rachel). The Lord's Pprayer has layers of meaning when you look at the themes of eschatology , the inaugurated kingdom and the juxtaposition of the 'out and over God' and the 'down and in God' which makes it an amazing prayer.

I have been reading alot on the Lord's prayer as of late (6 months or so). One such reading has been this really amazing reading from the Bible Society of New Zealand on the Maori Version of the Lord's Prayer which is a real eye opener, in terms of the meanings behind words. Maori, (a lot like Greek) has a top layer of meaning and then another layer behind it which means there is a real richness to what you can out of a text. I really encourage you to click over and have a look.

Anyway off to go right my essay and prepare Sunday night!

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